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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What instruments can my student play in the band?



2. What sort of "after-school" responsibilities are there for my child to participate in band?



3. Do students need to purchase their own instruments?





4. What are the costs to be in Band?






5. What if my child does not have any musical experience?



6. Are there any instruments better suited for boys or girls?







7. Can they play an instrument that they already know like guitar or piano?






8. What should I look for when trying to purchase an instrument for my child?




9. Where can I find a good quality instrument to purchase or rent for my child?




10. How much should my child be practicing their instrument?




11. How can I help support my child's band experience?

  1. The instruments that we offer in our program for beginners are Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Baritone/Euphonium, and Percussion.

  2. We do not require very much after-school involvement at this level, but we may start to push a sectional schedule where students come in once a week after-school closer to performance dates. There are two performances a year for our beginners.

  3. We highly recommend that students purchase or rent their own instruments to use. We have a very limited supply of school-owned instruments on our campus and besides Baritone/Euphonium, students are generally expected to provide their own instruments in a beginning band program.

  4. The costs of instruments and supplies vary for each instrument but we invite a representative from the music store to come out and speak to parents about these costs. We also ask for a $40 yearly due payment for each student which helps us to purchase necessary supplies throughout the year as well as purchase our spirit shirts each year.

  5. No musical experience is required to join. We start each year by teaching students the basic fundamentals of reading music and making starting sounds on their particular instrument.

  6. There are no instruments that are particularly better for girls or boys. There is a negative stigma around certain instrument such as "only girls play flute" or "only boys play tuba" but some of our bests flute and tuba players have been the exact opposite of those statements. What is truly important is that your child enjoys playing the instrument that they are placed on. The more enjoyment they get from playing, the more practice they will put into it, and the more successful they will be!

  7. We don't use guitar or piano in band but we invite them to learn a knew instrument that we do offer with us! If students play guitar they should consider also joining the Jazz Band once they get to Middle and High School. If your child takes or has taken piano lessons, piano is also used in Jazz Band but they might be a good choice to play Percussion in beginning band with us.

  8. You should be looking for an instrument from a quality brand. Instruments that are made with high-quality materials and time can last a lifetime although they are a big investment. Consider this an investment into your child's education and a motivator for your child to practice their instrument and be successful.

  9. We recommend obtaining an instrument through a popular instrument retailer such as Music & Arts. Reputable brands are available at such establishments but if you have any questions regarding this process, please do not hesitate to reach out.

  10. We recommend that students practice 15-minutes a day at home. We cannot monitor this ourselves, but we hope that as parents you can help motivate them to practice as it is simple for us to pick out which students among the class practice and which ones do not.

  11. As a parent, the biggest way that you can support your child is by motivating them in practicing. Being positively supportive of the sounds you may hear, especially in the beginning. And lastly, maintain an open line of communication with the directors for any questions or concerns you may have throughout the year!

Levi Fry Intermediate
300 25th Ave N
Texas City, Tx 77590
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